
A Great NYT Piece on FISA Courts and the NSA

krypto7/07/2013 10:51:00 pm PDT

re: #234 Heywood Jabloeme

Sure but I will say and post this another time. Two Democratic Senators, members of the Senate Intelligence committee doesn’t think that this law and Domestic Spying will do any of what you want.

And these guys have access to the exact data to know. So, now does Obama and his administration address this claim - They claim that it works and 2 Senators who are on your side in most cases, say that it doesn’t.

And there are others who are in comparable positions who appear to be saying that it is an important tool and has played a key role in twarting several terrorist attacks at the very least.

It is always possible to cherry pick the opinions to cite and ignore the others. (“Senators who are on your side”???? — does thatmean they can’t have opinions of their own? There are also Republicans who agree with Obama on this program and those that disagree.)

I can only base my conclusions on which claims seem be plausible, which is that the program is of course only a tool among several the government has to use to stop terrorist attacks - no reasonable person expects any one method to stop every attack or to be the only thing that plays any role, but it seems very plausible that it does help disrupt attacks.