
CIA Dropped the Ball on Snowden

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/11/2013 10:30:11 am PDT

re: #220 Varek Raith

So, I just got back from my little trip to Arlington by way of 66.
Nothing unusual as far as trucks go. Both ways.
Sorry TPers, this one’s a bust.

I can hardly say I am surprised. Traffic’s bad enough here. Do they really think people here are going to take kindly to a bunch of whiners holding up traffic to air some petty grievances against Obama? The college kids at the metro station who try to get you to sign up for HRC or whatever organization are much more pleasant to deal with because they actually take the time to listen to you. Had a HRC volunteer compliment my signature for instance and I had a nice conversation with this student who I assume was from Africa judging by her accent working on a UN group who’s helping refugees. I don’t have much money at the moment but I did pledge ten bucks.