
Afternoon Blues Break: Joe Bonamassa - Blues Deluxe

Dark_Falcon5/29/2014 7:29:27 pm PDT

And as if often the case, Massachusetts response to a shooting is a overbroad and punitive law:

Massachusetts lawmakers propose ‘may-issue’ gun ownership bill (VIDEO)

Though Massachusetts already has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, several state lawmakers are aiming to ratchet up restrictions on gun ownership in the hope of curbing violence.

On Tuesday, House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo announced a proposal tantamount to an overhaul of the state’s gun laws, including expanding the state’s ‘may-issue’ concealed carry policy to cover not only the carry of handguns, but the ownership of handguns, rifles and shotguns.

Under current law, a resident needs to first pass a state-run background check to obtain a Firearms Identification Card before being allowed to own a firearm. Unlike with a state-issued concealed carry permit, this ‘shall-issue’ process for a Firearms Identification Card does not require the consent of law enforcement.

DeLeo’s proposal would change this so that obtaining a Firearms Identification Card would not only include a background check but also require law enforcement to evaluate one’s “suitability” to own a firearm.

In short, one’s Second Amendment right would be subject to the discretion of law enforcement.

Bolding mine.

I’m pretty confident the courts will strike this law down if it is enacted. Someone should lose the right to own a gun if they commit a felony or go crazy, but to permit law enforcement to deny a Firearms Identification Card to someone who fits neither of those categories is a clear violation of the Heller and MacDonald decisions.