
Elizabeth Warren Will Skip Netanyahu's Speech

Targetpractice3/03/2015 5:35:37 am PST

Jeb’s already trying to make hay out of the email “scandal”:

Except the dumbass didn’t run the emails by anybody before posting them, so 12,000 have had to be scrubbed because they contained names, addresses, and SSNs of folks in Florida.

Worse, Jeb’s trying to make a big noise about transparency, yet:

The former governor conducted all his communication on his private account and turned over the hand-selected batch to the state archives when he left office. Absent from the stash are emails the governor deemed not relevant to the public record: those relating to politics, fundraising and personal matters while he was governor. Compared to Scott, however, who rarely communicates by email, the contrast is stark.

So he’s going “Check me out, I made all my emails public record!,” yet the fine print is that he cherry-picked the emails that the public gets to see.