
Chuck C. Johnson Trespasses and Tampers With Garland Crime Scene, Posts Photos of It

Scottish Dragon5/04/2015 1:12:02 pm PDT

Rod Dreher gets his drunk blogging on over the Walker Percy weekend and gives us this steaming pile of bovine waste where he conflates Freddie Grey and police brutality, the Benedict Option (his term for religious types going Galt) and (I am not kidding…), 50 Shades of Grey.

It goes without saying that he saves his disapproval for the untidy and disordered blah folk who keep getting on the wrong side of bullets and police batons.

Money quote here:

Anyway, order for me is not an aesthetic concern, but a moral one. A mob is the enemy of the things I value most. One of the most traumatic events of my life had to do with a mob of bullies who held me down and abused me while the two adults in charge did nothing to stop them — not because they could not, but because they would not. Once violence starts, I find it hard to fault authority for stopping it by any means necessary.

The anarchy I worry about is not the anarchy of poor black people in West Baltimore, or anywhere else. The anarchy I worry about is the anarchy within the hearts and communities of people like me — people who outwardly live lives of prosperity and normality, but who, in their hearts, believe that they and their appetites are the only authority they should follow. This is why I am so perpetually alarmed about our culture: it is fundamentally anarchic, because there is buried within our culture no source of order outside the Self.blockquote>

Order is more important than justice…and if you have to shoot some blahs to keep Rod and the white folks from being scared, well, ” I find it hard to fault authority for stopping it by any means necessary.”

The man is practically begging for an iron boot to stomp on his neck and force him to be good and ordered. He is actually frightened of freedom to be anything other than what he thinks God is demanding, and he wants iron boots for everyone (for their own good, mind you).

Oh, and he needs the blahs to stop scaring him with all that Satanic disorder.

Somebody get this man a competent therapist.