
Video: Samantha Bee Tries to Fact-Check a Bunch of Clueless Trump-Supporting Millenials

BeachDem3/15/2016 10:36:10 pm PDT

re: #211 HappyWarrior

I one time had to do some calling for a GE. Mostly pretty nice people but man I remember one guy getting pissed and saying all sorts of crap about the candidate I was working for. Sheesh. I guess I shouldn’t be too hard. If Dick Black’s people called me, I’d probably be none too happy though i don’t think they would since there’s not a single even Republican leaning voter in my household.

Canvassing, in my opinion, is a whole lot worse. Didn’t do any for this primary, but did some in North Carolina in 2012 for Obama. I only went a few times, but some of my friends did it every weekend—I tipped my hat to them.

Do remember one incident. We were with an Obama supporter who was really nice, but he warned us that we were probably going to run into this weird guy who had his car totally tricked out with anti-Obama crap. You know the type. When we saw him, we steered clear of the streets he was on.