
White Supremacist Who Coined Term "Alt-Right" Demands Apology From Hillary Clinton

Scottish Dragon8/26/2016 2:55:44 pm PDT

re: #229 HappyWarrior

Saw a poll that McGrory down by 9 points. North Carolinians are tired of this shit.

But Rod Dreher says we are a cult that recruits conservative Christian children into a carnal nominalist philosophy and besides, he read all of After Virtue by Alasdiar Mcintyre and that is very, very important for you and those transsexual culties to know so if you buy his new book you can discover how to keep the transexual cult from getting your Steve Sailer blonde, blue eyed progeny and anyways, those nominalist ontologiacaly ignorant voters in NC are coming for all the correct, truly righteous Christians to recruit them into the transexual cult any minute now so buy the book before you get hauled off into the social justice warrior safe space gulag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!