
Julian Lage - Call of the Canyon

lawhawk10/07/2021 10:29:44 am PDT

re: #126 Mattand

Hey, all,

Hopefully Lawhawk or some other legally-minded lizards can answer this:

One thing about the TX abortion vigilante law I’m not getting is the whole “YOU get to sue and YOU get to sue!” aspect of it. I always thought if you brought a lawsuit against someone, regardless of venue, you had to have standing in the case.

That strikes me as a common sense idea at the very minimum, if at least to try to keep nuisance lawsuits to a minimum. The TX law seems, to me, to throw all that out of the window. Like, if this law stands, it sets precedence that anyone can sue anyone, anywhere, even if you have zero connection to the case.

Shouldn’t that aspect of the TX law have caused it to be thrown out immediately? It basically turns the court system into a bigger free-for-all than it already is.

You’re not wrong.

What’s my standing as a resident to somehow tattle on someone seeking abortion outside Texas (or in Texas)? The standing to gain a bounty? That’s just one of the many problems with this law.

After all, under this idiotic law one can submit a claim that Ted Cruz, his wife, and daughters all went to Mexico so each could get abortions. They’d have to deal with all the legal shenanigans, while the shit-stirred sits back and watch the fun happen.

It’s a waste of judicial resources on top of everything else, and is all about denying women access to reproductive care - not just abortion.

TRAP laws, SB8, and the assault on contraceptive care, along with renewed attacks on LGBTQ+ are all meant to roll back civil rights and protections for women, minorities, and persecuted classes of people.