
LGF on Glenn Beck

DEZes4/16/2009 3:33:16 pm PDT

re: #232 Truck Monkey

Glenn Becks radio program had a commercial on it today for non genetically engineered seeds. Claims they will be worth more than gold and silver (when?) and that there are people, RIGHT NOW, storing these seeds in warehouses by the Arctic Circle. I sh*t you not. I am still scratching my head. When are these seeds going to be worth more than gold and silver and why? Who the hell has rented warehouse space in the Arctic Circle to store these seeds and why? Who the f*ck has an acre of land available to them to plant these survival gardens? This is some serious Tinfoil hat crap. I am still trying to wrap my head around it. It speaks volumes as to who Glenn Beck is and what he believes.

Heres some info on the doomsday vault.