
Joe Scarborough to GOP: 'Man Up' and Confront the Idiot Half-Governor

Usually refered to as anyways11/30/2010 12:49:17 pm PST

re: #231 Gus 802

Perhaps the internet accelerates the dissemination of the material but the root cause is not entirely an “internet problem” nor encryption. The root cause of course was the security risk created by none other than Bradley Manning and the inter-agency sharing of classified information which in this case was retrieved at the Pentagon. Manning did not hack his way to this information he simply had direct access to it.

Surely the fault lies with the agency that has a dvd/cd burner is the employees machine, and seemingly has a policy that allows employees to use these dvd/cd for private purpose.

Why a burner, why not just a player?

Why not a small app that detects when a dvd/cd is loaded, and reads it contents and reports it.

Humans are humans, they will do what they will.
Security of information should be up to the employer.