
The Suspected White House Shooter's Right Wing Ideas

RogueOne11/18/2011 4:39:33 am PST

Hoosiers are so polite even our protesters behave:

Occupy Indianapolis protesters tidy their site near Statehouse

Occupy Indianapolis protesters appear to have met the state’s deadline to clean up their gathering location just east of the Indiana Statehouse’s south steps.

An official from the Indiana Department of Administration said it was satisfied that the protesters would comply with the agency’s demand Wednesday to clean up the area within 24 hours or face possible arrest.

Tables, lawn chairs, tents, sleeping bags and other paraphernalia that had been there since the protests began last month were being removed.

“They’re working hard to comply,” department Commissioner Rob Wynkoop said Thursday, adding that the situation will continue to be monitored.

One thing you won’t see around here is protesters blocking people from leaving buildings or stopping cars like they were doing in NYC a week or so ago. 100 years of CC laws is one reason why we’re so polite.