
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

Lidane4/02/2012 11:44:20 pm PDT

Apparently, Arizona’s race fail extends past high school:

Arizona Official Considering Banning Ethnic Studies In Universities Too

Two years ago, Arizona outlawed the teaching of some ethnic studies courses in K-12 schools, and now it may expand the prohibition to universities too.

Just weeks after the state passed its infamous immigration law, it also passed a law aimed at scuttling Tucson’s Mexican-American studies program, which critics claimed taught kids to resent white people. The argument, at the time, was that teaching subjects like critical race theory to kids in high school amounted to indoctrination because they were not old enough to question the teaching critically, like university students.

But now, Arizona’s chief education official sees university-level Mexican-American sudies programs as a danger too.