
NSA Colleague Describes Life With Snowden: 'A Genius' Who Wore EFF Anti-NSA Hoodies to Work

lawhawk12/18/2013 11:17:46 am PST

Snowden gained access to documents above his classification level. He engaged in espionage based on scamming people out of their passwords and by abusing his administrator status. These are acts that are neither heroic nor laudatory.

They are the sign of someone who came in with an agenda and then took whatever actions were necessary to carry out that agenda - which includes getting their hands on as many classified documents as possible.

Being a Sharepoint administrator would certainly do that. You’d be able to access anyone’s documents, browsing, renaming, and editing all kinds of document information, etc. It’s a position that requires a tremendous amount of responsibility, and he abused it at every opportunity.