
Luca Stricagnoli on Seven-String Acoustic Guitar - the Last of the Mohicans

lawhawk3/09/2014 12:45:15 pm PDT

So, the conspiracy theories and just plain nutty are coming out with respect to the mystery of what happened with the Malaysian Air MH370 flight.

There’s some indication that Vietnamese authorities have found a piece of wreckage that might be a part of the downed Boeing 777, but Drudge is linking to WND (and yes, it’s WND) is speculating that a missile shot it down, and that the missile belonged to the North Koreans.

Their “proof”? That a North Korean missile came close to hitting a Chinese plane a few weeks ago, and that this could have been another instance.

However, the likelihood that it was a North Korean missile is somewhere between slim and none. It would have had to fly over Vietnam, Cambodia, China, South Korea, and international waters all along the way. Someone, particularly the Chinese or Vietnamese would have picked it up on military radar systems.

Could it have been a missile launched from a ship somewhere in the Gulf of Thailand? Again, that’s remote. Radar tracks would likely have picked something up.

But the thing that works against that theory is the ongoing revelations that at least two, if not four people on board had done so with stolen passports and that authorities have admitted that they don’t do sufficient checks to make sure that people boarding planes aren’t using stolen passports. In other words, it’s an admission of a huge security hole.