
A Great Video From Bill Moyers on GOP Politicians Who Deny Climate Change and Evolution

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/29/2014 6:04:34 pm PDT

re: #21 wheat-dogghazi

Ham’s shtick about “observational science” gets right down to this personal experience idea, …

It’s a type of infantilism, and I don’t mean that just as a put-down.

Babies only know their immediate needs. Children only know their very limited set of experiences.

As we get older hopefully we come to understand that the world is bigger than us and that we are not the determiners of reality.

This whole “were you there?” approach is based on, as you point out, personal experience being the determiner of reality.

The huge internal conflict between “were your there?” and the “the Bible says so thus it’s true” being preached simultaneously by the same person is about as cognitive dissonant as one can get.