
Louisiana Republicans Getting Set to Make the Bible the Official State Book

No Malarkey!4/16/2014 6:25:08 pm PDT

re: #17 dog philosopher

my predictions for the ukraine crisis ymmv

putin eats ukraine
we intensify sanctions
putin eats belarus - this one is easy, the belarussians are practically begging for it
we intensify sanctions
maybe putin gets really ambitious and moves in to ‘protect’ georgia and other areas in the caucasus as well
we intensify sanctions
putin makes a calculation as to what is easier to bear, giving back land or sanctions. i bet he’ll take sanctions

and all the elections for the rest of our lives are all about ‘democrats are PUSSIES’

I would love the GOP to run on a MOR WAR platform. After 13 years of foreign adventures, I think the people are heartily sick of them.