
Weird Conspiracy Propaganda About MH17 Rampant in Russia

ericblair7/21/2014 10:50:55 am PDT

re: #7 Kilroy01

Well if the missile was guided by color schemes.. (It wasn’t)
Really these two don’t look very much alike from below.
One has 4 engines, the other 2.

Besides which, Putin hasn’t overflown Ukraine in quite a while due to fucking obvious security reasons, and if you look at the great circle route from Brazil to Moscow, it goes through Poland and Belarus and nowhere near eastern Ukraine.

Besides, isn’t the Kremlin’s story now that Ukraine had fighters closely tailing MH17 and therefore knew exactly where and what it was? Is there some sort of uber-theory now that explains both of these, or is the Putin plane theory no longer operative? It’s hard to keep up.