
Rand Paul Pushing to Defund Planned Parenthood and Subvert Mitch McConnell

BlueSpotinAL ✅7/27/2015 11:46:30 am PDT
Not one of the characters in the story

Edited to add: SATIRE WEB SITE

BREAKING: Operation Jade Helm Claims First Civilian Casualty

So two patriots decide to help law enforcement…then

It was on their way back towards the Wal-Mart on W Ford Rd that Burt’s pickup truck struck a deer, critically wounding the animal. Seeing the deer in distress, Burt decided a mercy kill was in order. The bullet from Williams’ AR 15 allegedly blasted through the deer’s brain and ricocheted off the road, striking fellow PP4T member Cledus Reed in the throat, killing him almost instantly.

The name Cledus is real! The whole story is at this website (which is serious about Jade Helm, and has “questions”):
