
Donald Trump Refuses to Stop Using Rolling Stones Songs

Targetpractice5/05/2016 11:14:56 am PDT

re: #16 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

One of the Leftists I follow/list on Twitter was going on and on yesterday about how Democrats should want to have open primaries to draw more people to the party (and have declared Independents influence it because The Left deserves a Voice) and it was essentially corrupt to not have open primaries because the parties are so privileged in our election process, etc.

This would have been a good for The Left to have emphasized last year if they wanted to change it, and for those people who for whatever reason can’t find it in themselves to affiliate with a political party when they register to vote. But their complaining about it now is just very transparently all about a particular candidate at the moment.

Alan Abramowitz ran the numbers a week back on whether or not Bernie would be doing better if all the primaries were open ones. The conclusion? He’d have 41 more delegates than he had at the time, when Hillary’s lead was over 290 pledged delegates. So anybody claiming that open primaries would have Bernie leading right now are full of shit.