
Comedians Cover Trump Best: Seth Meyers on Trump's Ridiculous, Delusional National Emergency Declaration

makeitstop2/19/2019 11:14:17 am PST

This is Teh Brutalz. Molly Jong-Fast goes in on Tomato Logjam….

Tomi Lahren has it all: the bleached blond hair, the smoking bod, the obsession with dressing up in stupidly provocative outfits; the unquenchable rage that she has no trouble expressing endlessly on the usual social media platforms. Let’s be honest: At some point, Trump’s punk-rock kamikaze sensibility won’t be much of a draw anymore. Every septuagenarian eventually winds up like late-stage Mick Jagger, no matter how cool they once were. Enter the Lahren.

She’s got all of the rage and racialist attitudes of Ann Coulter but isn’t burdened by any of Coulter’s intellectualism. When she’s not in attack mode, she’s perfected the blank stare of Steve Doocy, which allows her to take on the aspect of tabula rasa conservativism. Is she for free markets? Crony capitalism? Outlawing abortion? Who can say. What matters is that she’s into melting snowflakes. She’s the perfect designated successor for Trumpism.

Tomi didn’t just emerge, fully-formed, from Ann Coulter’s head. No, she was shaped and molded by the awesome power of the conservative media feedback loop mixing with her raw talent and ambition. She got her start in the ecosystem with One America News Network (of course) and then migrated to Glenn Beck’s Blaze, where she was eventually fired for announcing that she was pro-choice while doing a guest spot on The View. The surprise conversion on a network show was a total coincidence and in no way an attempt to get out of her contract with a niche streaming service in order to break into the bigtime.

I think I’m getting a crush on Molly.