
Seth Meyers: Republicans Try to Dismiss Trump's Second Impeachment Trial

jamesfirecat1/27/2021 8:24:22 pm PST

re: #19 austin_blue

I hate to actually you, but Iā€™m going have to actually you.

The only reason the scam worked in Trading Places was that it was a small cabal working below the radar to bring down the Brothers, who thought they were invincible. It couldnā€™t be done that way today. Too much data available to too many people.

But here is where God is an iron:

The same Brothers from Trading Places who felt they were invulnerable until they were successfully penetrated by a small group of motivated angry hackers (and that is what they were), are the same titans of Wall Street who could not imagine until this week in the modern day, that a large, independent, amorphous, internet-connected group of investors could gang up on them and fuck them right up the patootie.

Itā€™s really kind of glorious, and you can bet that consortiums to fleece hedge funds will pop up like mushrooms this spring.

They also passed a law to make what happened in Trading Places illegal a few years back (lets not ask why it took them that long to make insider trading in the futureā€™s market illegal).

I know the two events work differently (for one thing Trading places was based around getting the bad guys to try and corner the market on a stock, and then drive its price down, while this time its about the bad guys trying to short shell a stock and then driving the price up) but the two events ā€œrhymeā€ with each other in my opinion.