
Seth Meyers: Trump Claims He's Never Read "Mein Kampf" After Quoting Hitler, Praising Putin

Targetpractice12/21/2023 9:04:01 pm PST

re: #18 silverdolphin

It’s almost as if they have not read the Bible. Of course, being a Christian they have all done their own research. So only read the parts they agree with.

Jesus is the gateway drug, he’s what they use to get you in the door. Tell you about how he loves everybody, he wants everybody to be saved, and he has a place for you in Heaven. That if you’re a “sinner” then he will forgive you and if you engage in “wicked” acts then he will accept you.

Then you get the pew, you put your fiver in the plate, and instead get served a heapin’ helpin’ of Ol’ Fire & Brimstone about how everybody not sitting next to you is a wicked sinning heathen who’s going straight to Hell…unless they join the flock and pay their dues. What’s that? Jesus? Well, he was a swell guy, but he’s in the New Testament and we’re still crawling through the bowels of the Old Testament. You want that feel-good shit, you need to go back to Sunday School.