
MST3K Live: Let's Have a Patrick Swayze Christmas Marathon!

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/24/2023 3:57:40 pm PST

I have no “climate grief”.

I am too old.

I know I will die before the US burns under its own disasters (I expect in the second half of this century.)

However, I still believe two things:

1) Reality is not to be avoided, and modern science is the best tool by which to measure reality, and …
2) we know by said tool that we are changing this planet, and such changes will lead to extinctions for many species, and grave issues for many humans.

Mostly I see our inability to let go of old beliefs, and change as needed, as our collectively greatest failing.

That makes me a bit sad.

But I have long accepted that I can’t change the world.

I do hope, though, that I can nudge a few people’s opinions, and by doing that contribute to our society accepting what has to be done.