
Bobby Jindal's Volcano Monitoring Slam Backfires

Salamantis3/24/2009 10:22:25 am PDT

re: #18 Maui Girl

Let’s discuss something reallllyyy important like the fact that the administration is now going to attempt to put stipulations on bonuses awarded to ANY executives working for ANY corporation, large company, what have you, whether or not they have accepted government funds. New authority and more authority to go forward and start regulating PRIVATE companies and the compensation they award their workers. Government centralization aka SOCIALISM, folks. That’s what the almighty Obama wants and we’re worrying about volcano monitoring and creationism. We have an eruption about to happen in Washington and the only thing we should be worrying about in terms of creationism? Fulfilling Obama’s dream of creating a socialist state out of our United States. Big news today and it’s not good.

No, the volcano stuff is just a symptom; what we’re really worried about is an ignorant and fanatical chump like Jindal being hyped as the Great Republican Hope in 2012.