
Bad Craziness at Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty Website

Mr. E. Train7/26/2009 1:06:49 pm PDT

Im raising my sisters 3 little girls. Their father is black and I have to tell you, every time I see that picture I want to run out and punch the good ‘Doctor’ in the throat.

And Charles, I got to tell ya, I have mixed feelings about having that picture on this site. It’s your ship man and I respect that, but Im almost afraid to bring Little Green Footballs up at home for fear that my girls will see this picture. I know that it is useful in pointing out the noxious company Ron Paul keeps. I would like everyone to know about this so that the sick little nutter would be shunned by polite society.

At the same time I dread my girls seeing it. Any time they come to me with a story about someone saying something racial to them, tears in their eyes, its like a knife in my gut. I dread having to explain this photo to them more than the ‘birds and bees’ talk.