
Danish Conservative Speaks Out on Climate Change

Jetpilot11019/21/2009 10:27:53 am PDT

If you want to bring Christian Fundementalism (most who practice this are conservatives) into the argument, you wind up with a very warped view of Christianity. The premise is that since the earth is going to be destroyed in the final judgement anyway, why should we protect it. Couple this with a very strong belief that we are living in the “end times” and you get a very destructive anti-earth attitude. What these folks fail to realize is that by subscribing to this mindset, they violate one of the core tennets of Christianity, namely the “golden rule”. True Christianity believes in good stewarsdship of what God has entrusted to his people. This includes not only things like financial resources but also the planet. The very fact that so-called Christians can abandon the planet wholesale is a travesty and a rotten example for those they purport to want to save. I hope I never have to find out what life is like under a Christian theocracy and I say this as a practicing Christian. I’m sure I’d be thrown out of several churches since I also believe in evolution but that is a different subject for another day.