
The GOP's War on Climate Science

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/08/2010 11:24:49 am PDT

re: #20 engineer dog

It’s all very good to mock them for being uneducated, but a lot of these people aren’t uneducated in the least. There’s a great deal of nihilistic behavior here, I believe; that educated people know that climate change is real, and will have an extreme effect on the world, but who think that the US will whether it better than most nations, and truly believe that collective response to AGW will result in, well, more collective organization, which is anathema to them.

I do think that some people oppose action on AGW on principle, holding to an ideology even as it will cause a huge amount of death and destruction on the earth.

There are also those who, though perfectly well educated, have let themselves be comforted by the false hope of the deniers. I used to be in this camp. I used to think that there existed ‘regulatory’ systems in the world, before I really understood evolutionary systems and that there is no such thing as a stable natural system, but that it’s ever in motion.

So simply dismissing the AGW deniers as uneducated fails to deal with a large number of them; the educated who have decided enduring AGW is preferable to allowing liberal policies to increase, and those who, although educated, have allowed themselves to turn a blind eye to the science of AGW in particular.