
The GOP's Drive to Tear Down the Wall of Separation

3eff Jeff10/27/2010 12:57:24 pm PDT

Teaching creationism in science class is a waste of class time. It’s worse than that, actually. ID is to science as truthiness is to truth. It tries to dress itself in the robes of science, but because it is not testable, it is not falsifiable. It is therefore not science. Teaching it in science class is harmful to teaching science in science class. Why? Teaching what science is is hard enough, and most students have a difficult time with it. Breaking the consistency of science with this crap will make that even harder.

I’m not underestimating kids here. I’m pointing out that it’s a difficult subject. It’s also one that is pretty internally consistent, and some kids notice that. They’ll also figure out that ID isn’t consistent with the rest of science and look stuff up on their own. But for every kid like that, you’ve done irreparable damage to ten kids’ understanding of science (at least). Teaching creationism in any form in science class is madness.