
The Siege of Planned Parenthood

Buck2/07/2011 1:16:24 pm PST

re: #22 palomino

You’re missing the big picture. Yes, some employees behaved badly. But Live Action wants to destroy PP’s rep despite all the great work they do. Simply because they promote family planning. So the Live Action approach is dishonest and determined by it’s extreme agenda.

No you are missing the point I am making. Using the words HOAX and FAKE is simply wrong if you agree that the employee behaved badly.

All you have to do is stick to that, and not make this about something it is clearly not. It is about employees behaving badly. If they are telling the truth, and they behave badly 2-3 times a week, then that is something that should be investigated. If 15 or more offices have employees that behave badly, then that should be investigated.

When you immediately come out and call the videos fakes and a hoax, then you allow the bad behaving employees to continue their bad behavior.

THAT sums up the point I am trying to make. NOT that PP is a bad organization, or that no woman should be able to choose. Not that this Lily person should be thought of as correct in EVERY thing she has said before or even after. Only that she went out and documented bad behavior in THIS CASE.