
CNN Asks: 'Are Whites Racially Oppressed?', Turns To White Supremacists For Answers

wrenchwench3/04/2011 3:46:03 pm PST

I’ve been trying to find out something about John Blake, the author of this article. He writes a lot about religion (writes for CNN’s Belief Blog), wrote a book with a subtitle too long for Amazon to handle (Children of the Movement: The Sons and Daughters of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, George Wallace, Andrew Young, Julian Bond…), and received an award from the Atlanta Association of Black Journalists.

And this is not the first time he’s quoted racists without identifying them as such. Last time (that I found) it was Steve Sailer. He also caught some flak for writing this article: Why Obama doesn’t dare become the ‘angry black man’

He remains a mystery.