
Donald Trump, Birther, Now in First Place by 9 Points

Targetpractice4/15/2011 11:21:41 am PDT

re: #19 Gus 802

Let me see if I got this right. The wingnut base — make that the far-right base because that’s what they really are — are willing to give Donald Trump a pass for his prior position which are seemingly liberal yet aren’t willing to give Mitt Romney the benefit of the doubt? The answer of course is likely ignorant bliss and of course Mr. Trump recently reaffirmed his identification as a “Christian”. Otherwise, that they’re falling for Mr. Trump is truly a sign that the Republican Party is severely infected with Snooki-America syndrome give the “reality show personality” of Mr. Trump.

Part of it is that The Donald has never held elected office, hence has no voting history to have hung around his neck. He can just say that past liberal beliefs have “changed” in light of “new evidence,” and all is forgiven in the light of his playing to the birthers. Meanwhile, Romney has a history as a RINO, one he tried to play on back in ‘08, and so will forever be seen as a “traitor” by the far-right.