
CNN Poll: Giuliani Leads Romney Among Conservative Voters

lawhawk5/27/2011 1:12:50 pm PDT

Time to look at the crosstabs. Romney picks up the Rudy vote if Rudy isn’t included.

Also, Rudy gets surprisingly strong TP vote, more than everyone else; Cain is 2d with 15% in that.

Question 29: Rudy also shows strongly with Independents, but lags in the conservative behind Romney and Palin (11% vs 16% for both, Cain has 13%).

Rudy has more support among women than others, including Palin (Q30).
Rudy has more support under 50 crowd than everyone else in field; Romney does better in the 50+ crowd (Q30)

Most polled are satisfied with the field - which sort of makes sense if you’re including Rudy, Romney, etc.