
Religious Right Irritated by Herman Cain's Absurd Abortion Statements

Donna Ballard10/21/2011 10:15:05 am PDT

re: #3 mikec6666

Is it at all possible that he doesn’t really feel that the government has a place telling women what to do, and that this little slice of truth somehow escaped the conservative political filter? And that he’s personally anti-choice? I think it is possible, and I think he’s trying to mollify the people he needs to vote for him in Iowa by pretending otherwise.

I do so love to watch the little tango they all have to perform to get the next round of this clown show.

If that’s true then he has at least one saving grace. It isn’t enough to make me want to vote for the bonehead though. He really, really pissed me off saying its my own fault for not having a job! And at 49 years old I sure as heck am not going to stand and bag groceries for $7.50 and hour when I have over 20 years experience at customer service, sales and data entry under my belt! Do you know the last prospective employer that called only asked me one question? That question was “How old are you? You didn’t put your birth date on the resume I have” !!! Translation: I won’t hire you if you’re too old. He didn’t even want to meet me first! And like that’s my fault! Gee, thanks Mr. Cain!