
Clint Eastwood's Superbowl Commercial: It's Halftime in America

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce2/05/2012 6:18:10 pm PST

A full-on, no-shit revolution, followed by full-on, no-shit civil war, followed by a full-on, no-shit depression that saw people starving to death, followed by a full-on, no-shit global war (ripples of which I contend are still being felt to this day). Deranged mobs lynching “n*****s” considered ‘just the way it goes down South’, race riots, cities in flames. Assassination of the president, at the height of a so-called “cold war” where crazy and paranoid people were pointing nuclear weapons at each other for no discernible rational reason. The Middle-East. Disco. Taco Bell. Boy bands.

BUT NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN, we have a black president and people are not as rich as they could be if circumstances were such that facilitated them being richer, and THAT of course means that it’s half-time for human civilization.

Or something?