
Mormons Baptize Parents of Nazi-Hunter Simon Wiesenthal

shutdown2/15/2012 4:27:56 pm PST

re: #3 Tofu Romney (Mitt’s Evil Twin)

Of course, it’s not any kind of a conversion in the first place.
And really? Mormon posthumous baptisms are unconstitutional? *eyeroll*

Are you a constitutional law specialist? Allow me to demonstrate the actionability of involuntary conversions:
Standing: As a non-Mormon, I am subject to posthumous conversion
Harm: The possibility of this involuntary conversion, along with the attendant ritual and my being put on a list of converted souls, causes me great emotional distress and apprehension. In fact, I suffer debilitating migraines as a result.
Harm: This concern and emotional distress cause me to practice my religion in a way other than I would otherwise desire; I do not practice as openly as I would like.
Harm: I have had to employ, at considerable cost, various services to ensure that I, along with my loved ones, are not forcibly converted posthumously. I believe that these posthumous conversions have an effect on the soul of the deceased - and religious practice is in large part about the soul and salvation, is it not?
Possible redress: Cease and desist all involuntary conversions.
Legal theory: Various constitutional and civil legal theories, along with equitable measures to reduce the emotional, physical and monetary harm I am suffering as a direct result of LDS posthumous conversions.

On these grounds alone I could get a case heard. So, funny man, please do carry on rolling your eyes and whatnot.