
Video: Chris Matthews and Barney Frank vs. Hate Group Leader Tony Perkins

Kragar5/11/2012 1:00:39 pm PDT

re: #19 freetoken

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a …

Romney: Gay marriage stance was ‘not a religious decision’

The obvious slicing going on here is whether “his” religion is necessary the only one influencing Romney.

The truth is obvious - religion is influencing Romney’s decision, but he is trying to position his actions on not being uniquely Mormon.

The question the reporter ought to have asked is if the religion of the SoCons is influencing Romney’s position.

Religion asides, is there any actual real reason to object to gay marriage?

Most of the so called “scientific research” into the problems it causes have the same reliability as creationists and global warming debunkers.

It is completely a religious issue.