
The Texas "Islamist Terror Enclave" That Wasn't

Gus4/27/2014 4:25:46 pm PDT

re: #236 klys

I confess, I’m young enough that a lot of that is all in the fuzzy history category. I learned a lot on the tour; it was neat to see. They’re pretty much left the building mostly untouched from the last day of service in …I think it was 92 for that particular site.

But it’s also really accessible, just off I-90. They’re working to build a proper visitor’s center, but even what they had was neat, and the tour …there’s no words.

Only 6 people per tour (that’s really all that will fit in the elevator down) and they’re first come-first serve.

Yeah, I figure there might be a lot of WTF moments for some younger viewers about all the ICBMs and nukes we have in the continental US.