
An Amazing Artist From Iceland: Asgeir - NPR Tiny Desk Concert

ObserverArt10/24/2014 8:28:52 am PDT

Good day all. So, I take it New York is still ticking along and everything hasn’t come to a crushing halt due to Ebola?

Can’t say the same for my connection to LGF today. I was following along while doing some work and suddenly when I clicked on the New Comments button I couldn’t refresh or do anything with Chrome.

So I shut it down, came back on and for the first time ever I wasn’t still logged in. Strange.

I think my computer might be infected.

OH NO…it’s EBOLA. It’s in my computer…and I am linked to the internet. Look out everyone…EBOLA on the ‘net.

Arrrgh. All the computers in my house are going to need quarantined.

(Don’t have much to offer, but I figured I need to join in the panic since it is fashionable. And oh, one more thing. SHUT UPChuck you little pissant!)