
Another Massive Fail by Smear Merchant Chuck C. Johnson: Posts Photo of Wrong Woman

A Mom Anon12/09/2014 3:29:34 am PST

re: #235 Islamo-Masonic Vourdalak

If she was drugged, a lot of details of what happened are going to be foggy and seem disoriented. Hell, without being drugged this sort of trauma takes awhile to sort through. Which makes rape a particularly easy crime to not only get away with, but it makes it extremely easy for horrible people to use as a tool to destroy the victim. Sometimes over and over again. As we see. Remember, this is a situation that’s been made public. Imagine what we don’t see happening to survivors every day. It’s all around us, happening behind closed doors in every neighborhood. No place is immune.

As a survivor, I can tell you that it sometimes takes another traumatic event to unlock details of a rape. IMO, next to murder, rape is pretty much THE worst thing one human can do to another. It’s soul destroying. It’s not a one night stand or something that’s “just sex”. There is no one right way to respond to it, just like there’s no one right way to grieve the death of a loved one.