
FCC Classifies Internet Service as a Public Utility

Nyet2/27/2015 6:42:32 am PST

re: #218 Bass Reeves

It’s not a new word, but why did anyone think that this academic term has any relevance to what Arquette said? I’ve seen people willfully misinterpret her words, e.g. that her mentioning “women” and “gay people” individually meant that by women she only meant straight women - even though her logical operator “or” was obviously inclusive (think Venn diagrams), not exclusive. Logic 101 fail.

that it seemed Arquette didn’t think that POC and the LGBTQ communities were not already acting on behalf of women, literally because of intersectionality

Maybe it seemed that way to those who had never actually read what she said? Because she started with the group “women” and by this mislogic she also said that women were not already acting on behalf of women.

Could it be that all this brouhaha is because some people simply have awful comprehension skills?

PS: All that aside, am I the only one that thinks that using abbreviations like “PoC” and “WoC” to describe groups of people is denigrating, even if unintentionally? Is it really that hard to type out “women of color”?