
New From Keith Olbermann: This Russian Obsession Shows How Trump Will Be Undone

electrotek1/10/2017 9:41:50 am PST

re: #159 HappyWarrior

Mind linking? I like reading about the differences within ideologies. When I was in college, I enjoyed studying the difference between differing types of fascists and communists as well. I’ve also been fascinating seeing the different types of liberalism that have emerged in recent years.

Here ya go:

In the 1990s, after the Soviet Union collapsed, ideological conservatives and civilizational conservatives parted ways. The clearest example was the former Yugoslavia. In the 1990s, Serbs brutalized the largely Muslim breakaway republic of Bosnia. Ideological conservatives like Robert Kagan urged NATO to intervene in the name of human rights. Cultural conservatives like Buchanan wondered why the U.S. was going to war to defend Muslims against Christians. Ideological conservatives saw Russia, Serbia’s traditional ally, as defending tyranny and ethnic cleansing. Cultural conservatives saw Russia as defending Christendom.

Cultural conservatives are also the ones that blindly take the Serb side in the Balkan war while flat-out denying the Bosnian Genocide.

Needless to say, I turned against Pat Buchanan completely when he wrote a disgusting Op-Ed arguing that Breivik “may have” been right when he committed his horrific attack in Norway.