
Seth Meyers: Republicans Don't Know What's in Their Own Health Care Bill

KGxvi6/22/2017 8:56:41 am PDT

re: #228 FormerDirtDart

Well, thereā€™s the story of Ron Johnson (R-WI) saying on CNN that he wonā€™t vote for the bill without time to review it and get public comment. So, thatā€™s likely one. Pencil in Collins and some combination of Murkowski, Sullivan, and Capito (Alaska and West Virginia have very high Medicaid enrollment from what I understand). Plus the public comments from people like Hatch and McCain about being annoyed they havenā€™t seen anything in the bill. And the fact that Trumpā€™s approval rating is approaching that of most STDs.

McConnell is usually smarter than this, but maybe the play really is to put it up for a vote and see it not pass; then he and the hardliners can say how they fought the good fight, but its the law of the land and like Medicare or Social Security, weā€™re just going to have to find a way to make it ā€œmore market orientedā€ rather than get rid of it. Or some other bullshit, since, after all, it was their own damn proposal in 1994.