
US Airways Plane Crashes into Hudson River

cagney1/15/2009 2:01:32 pm PST

apologies for going offtopic on such a tragic incident but found this item in a local news-site.

Muslim pupils at a private Scots school were asked if they hate Jews.

“A TOP private school is at the centre of a race row between its Jewish and Muslim pupils.

In the wake of fighting in Gaza which has left nearly 1000 Palestinians dead, Muslim children at Glasgow’s Hutchesons’ Grammar School were asked if they hated Jews.

The school admitted many put up their hands - only to be told they should hate the Israeli army instead.

Muslim and Jewish pupils attend separate morning assemblies at the school, where fees are around 9000 a year.

News of last Thursday’s controversial meeting was released by two Jewish pupils who went along by mistake.

The assembly was led by Asgher Mohammed, a parent who is believed to be a chemist.

News of the hate vote spread quickly through the 368-year-old school.

The parents of one of the Jewish children involved wrote to school rector Dr Kenneth Greig.

Dr Greig had letters sent out to other parents to explain the circumstances.

A school spokesman said yesterday: “The person in question has a long-standing history of taking the morning assembly.

“This is the first time anything like this has happened.

Perhaps it was not advisable to ask the question that he did.

“However, no one believes anything was intended to cause offence.

“His lesson was to preach religious tolerance and to show, despite what is going on in the Middle East, that Muslims and Jews in the UK can live in peace.”

Claire Singerman, who co-ordinates Jewish assemblies at the school, stressed the “excellent” relationship between pupils of different faiths.

Chemist Asgher Mohammed said last night: “I have seen the statement from the school and amvery happy with that. I am not going to say anything else.”

Muslim pupils make up around seven per cent of the school roll. Around six per cent are Jewish.

The school’s famous ex-pupils include former lord chancellor Derry Irvine and John Buchan, author of The Thirty-Nine Steps.

Three months ago, it was ordered to improve access for poorer students or risk losing its status as a charity.”