
Cheney: 'We're Happy to Have General Powell in the Republican Party'

Desert Dog5/27/2009 9:35:19 pm PDT

re: #229 karmic_inquisitor

Republicans who find themselves having to praise Obama as brilliant because he won the last election are in a state of self delusion.

He did not win because he is brilliant. He is simply an opportunist who let his bets ride and ran the table.

How did he get away with simply letting his bets ride?

Because the leadership of the Republican Party is utterly and completely incompetent.

And it doubles down on that incompetency every day.

Against such a backdrop of utter incompetence anyone can look brilliant and rise to power. To back that up, I offer the rise of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as evidence.

Turn off Rush. Stop listening to Newt. Ignore Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity.

Go back to the principles and find leaders who have lived by them rather than sold them while excusing themselves to do different things.

Don’t forget the drooling MSM that refused to call him on any of his past associations, statements or voting record. If he was treated like any other candidate, he would have been run off the ticket. But, he was anointed and practically put into office without an election by the media.