
WaPo Poll: Most Americans Oppose Afghanistan War

Kenneth8/20/2009 12:58:20 pm PDT

re: #237 wahabicorridor

Mission creep is a problem we should guard against. The public is turning against this war, in part I believe because it has never been accurately defined for them. As far as I have heard, NATO troops are still fighting combined Taliban/AQ cells in Afghanistan. In major battles in Panjwei valley in 2006, the Canadians estimated 50% of the enemy was foreign, ie, Al Qaeda. Reports are that hasn’t changed much since. The senior leadership of both the Taliban & AQ is in Pakistan, as are their training camps. The predator missions are taking a toll on them. More please.

I would define victory as a minimal military condition:

1. Al Qaeda destroyed. Not weakened, destroyed.
2. Taliban knocked back sufficiently to convince them to give up the fight and join the political process.

Anything more than that is a bonus.