
9/11 Suspects Will Be Tried in New York

Guanxi8811/13/2009 10:19:15 am PST

re: #208 kreyagg

We’ve certainly been behaving as if we do own them.


Main Entry: possession
Pronunciation: -ˈze-shən also -ˈse-
Function: noun
Date: 14th century

1 a : the act of having or taking into control

Perhaps we should just compensate these guys and turn them loose. This would certainly avoid damaging your sensitivities, and, by compensating them, we could at least undo some of the grave harm we’ve inflicted on these poor souls.

My blood boils when I think of it - there they were, firing on our troops, planning and coordinating attacks, or otherwise engaged in the dull, regular business of their peaceful lives, and we dared to interfere, dared to capture and detain them. After we’ve paid them off and made a suitably groveling and abject apology for the evils of our former leadership toward them, we need to go after the REAL wrong-doers here, the Bush administration, whose jack-booted thugs tortured innocent and peaceful folk the world over in pursuit of hegemonic control.