
The Huge Al Gore Mistake That Wasn't

Killgore Trout12/15/2009 5:30:53 pm PST

I checked to see if Dan Riehl fantasized about beating up black kids on the subway again at today’s Tea Party. He makes no mention of it but he does declare that America is doomed because only whites are patriots…..

The End Of America As We’ve Known It

Multi-culturalism, combined with immigration and birth demographics are on track to end the America we’ve know for over two-hundred years. That’s not a political opinion, it’s driven by numbers far more solid than the ones holding up the climate conspiracy.

It also likely has a great deal to do with why blacks never enjoyed much benefit from the civil rights movement of the sixties. (lol-ed) It came couched in this same misguided progressivism that is destroying traditional America today. Blacks as a whole, particularly inside the cities where they are captive to the liberal/progressive political machine, weren’t told to celebrate equality and become part of America. They were encouraged to stand apart from it.

America will survive. It’s just not clear what it’s going to look like politically, economically, and so forth. I’m just glad I knew her when and won’t be around to fully see what it becomes. I doubt most people on the ground will even understand the changes that are coming. They’ll simply see it as the America they know, but may never truly love.