
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

RogueOne4/09/2010 6:43:52 am PDT

re: #236 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

When he was anti healthcare, he was getting threats from the left. (No. They are not above threatening people. And carrying out threats.)
When he switched, the anti abortion folks started hammering him. (No. They are not above threatening people. And carrying out threats.)

They have a low approval rating, but I wouldn’t want the job for all the tea in China (is that racist?)/

Today’s climate makes the job unattractive, at best.

According to the Politico story he made up his mind in Indianapolis during the butler/MSU game. I’d like to thank Butler for taking both of them out for us.

I think Stupak probably would have won re-election. His opponent on the right has zero campaign experience and he would have had the support of his party in the primary. He would have had to put a ton of money and time into the re-election run but he would have won.