
Tancredo: Send Obama Back to Africa

Cato the Elder4/19/2010 11:11:02 am PDT

re: #62 DaddyG

I planted some catnip under the edge of our screen porch for our kittehs to enjoy and its coming along nicely. I crushed some leaves on my fingers the other night and gave them some help getting mellow.

My 13 year old asked what it did for them and I mentioned it was a mild drug (sort of like pot for people). His reply was- great dad, we don’t do drugs since we’re Mormons but you grow kitty marajuana? Nice.

You can’t get anything past the teens.

Well, damn consistency all to hell anyway!

Tell him all kinds of animals eat consciousness-altering substances and it’s part of their nature. But Man has the choice and should choose sobriety.

Either that, or it’s time for Mormons to rethink the ban on caffeine.

I know, I know: starter drug.

[takes big slug off second coffee of the day]