
Video: James Dean and Ronald Reagan, Circa 1954

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]4/20/2010 4:26:30 pm PDT

re: #228 Walter L. Newton

I have a honest question, for all. How many of you have had a real gun pulled on you? By someone who for all intensive purposes, would have used it?

How many of you have been mugged… in real bar fights where knives and/or guns have been pulled?

How many of you have been part of a major disaster, a tornado that tore half of your neighborhood apart, or a hurricane or earthquake, some situation where you actually had to live without services for a week or two.

Just wondering.

I’ve been mugged, check. Not at weaponpoint, just by being outnumbered.

I’ve been attacked at concerts, but they scan for weapons there. :D

I’ve lived without services for a week, we’ve had some wicked northwest snowstorms that knocked out power and made driving impossible. We dont have the infrastructure here to handle heavy snow. Not a major disaster, but it shut the whole city down, cut power for a week, etc.

Never had a gun pulled on me, though! My partner had a gun pointed at him by some roadragey driver when he was a teenager, but he zoomed off.